Hello. I am Sayuri, mostly known as Sayu. I am an artist and an active role-player online.This website is best on desktop view.

My age is ranged in between 15 to 18 years old, born on the 1st of January.
I am an INTJ 8w1.
I am bi-romantic + ace, genderfluid. I don't mind you using any pronouns, however I usually go by she/they.
"Everything else is yet to be known, intrigue me."


    For new peopleNote that I have frequent mood swings, so in case I might be too harsh or too cold or annoying, feel free to call me out anytime.I do dark humor around very close friends. In case you find it unsettling or uncomfortable, make sure to tell me, I will understand.

I am an artist, I can do either traditional and digital.I am usually online on discord. I only accept friend requests from servers I'm in and if I know you from there. My art account is mainly on instagram!I also upload speedpaints on youtube. Barely stream on twitch.Obviously, I love to write and draw often.

" She is but a human being."


      For new people

I might be a dry texter at first especially if I barely know you.I have specific topics I find triggering, please keep them in mind.If I block you, I will tell you that I never do this without proper reason. If you find yourself blocked, you must've done something bad to me or my friends. That's on you.

DO NOT EVER BRING UP/DO-Heavy/Explicit NSFW/18+ content and jokes. Slight mentions and hints are still unsettling but it doesn't do as much. I will go non-verbal ,shut down or go blank.
- KYS/KMS 'jokes' during my night time.
-My grandfather. Just no.
-To my close friends, please avoid fighting with me around. I don't do well with that.
-Backstabbing, lying and creating false hopes is just a big NO.
-DO NOT interact with me when I'm frustrated or stressed, it's not the best time.


          DO NOT INTERACT- Bigoted people in general, basic dni criteria.(E.g, Racists, Homophobes, anything that involves discrimination.)
- Pedophiles, groomers, STRICTLY DO NOT.
- Toxic people. Self explanatory.
- Problematic ships, proshippers NO.
- If you are in bad terms with my close friends, then dni.
- Arrogant people.
If you know you're in bad terms with me then DNI, I would'nt be in the right mind to deal with any of you. I do not mention names.

             PRECAUTION- In case I drift away or avoid arguments, I'd like to inform people that this is my response to negative stimuli, it is in hopes of stopping/avoiding negative situations. If my attempts are unsuccessful, I would most likely spiral.
- I do not like invalidation. I snap easily when being invalidated. I humbly ask in the midst of arguments or disagreements to be patient with me, I can easily calm down with the proper response.
- I'm very sensitive whenever I get teased for my enthusiasm with academics.
- This user has an unstable sense of identity. Be careful with your questions when getting to know them.
- I overthink A LOT, be careful with leaving me on conversations or situations without context.
- I tend to drain easily.